Kyle Sulerud - AdWords For Local Businesses
For local business owners and marketing agency owners only….
Get Kyle Sulerud - AdWords for Local Businesses at
Now you can get a complete step-by-step system for getting more quality leads fromand increasing sales… without paying too much per lead and without paying more than you need to.
This training is NOT for: tech startups, ecommerce, apps, online services, coaches, authors, or any business that’s prohibited by Google AdWords (tobacco, firearms, MLM, etc).
This training IS for: local business owners, and marketing agencies who want to set up and run campaigns for local businesses. Perfectly suited for any type of business you would normally find in the yellow pages.
Here’s A Sneak Peak Of What’s Inside the AdWords For Local Businesses Training…
- How to optimize the performance of your ad extensions. This is perhaps the most overlooked campaign optimization strategy available, but the results can be astounding when done correctly.
- The truth about AdWords income demographic targeting, and why it may not be the magic bullet when you want to reach customers of a specific income level.
What to do with your “thank you” pages that will immediately increase your sales. Most business owners ignore this page, but it is one of the most important pages on your website and should be treated that way. - Crucial remarketing campaign settings and why there are some major differences between the preferred settings for search campaigns and remarketing campaigns.
- My own unique strategy for creating highly effective remarketing ads that you don’t need to design or write.
- An AdWords ad framework that enables you to enter the conversation already happening inside your prospect’s head. This is one of the quickest known ways to turn a prospect into a paying customer.
The only method you should ever use to show ads to people who are outside of your location target area. This traffic is usually worthless, but you’ll discover how to target the small percentage of it that IS worth paying for so you can generate bonus leads from your campaigns. - The ONE setting in Google My Business you NEED to change if you are using location extensions. Hardly anyone does this, but it is absolutely essential if you want to know which of your leads are coming from AdWords. (People have lost clients because they weren’t aware of this one little setting!)
The two questions to answer when building your keyword list…ignore these questions and the quality of your traffic is guaranteed to suffer.
- Where to find all the “default” settings that are hidden behind dropdown menus and buried in tiny little holes inside your account. Google wants you to leave these options alone, but you’ll discover which ones to change, which ones to leave alone, and which ones need to be tested if you want to survive in the increasingly competitive and shark-infested AdWords waters.
How to make sure your ads stay relevant to whatever people are searching for, WITHOUT writing a different ad for every keyword. In fact, you can set up all the ads in your account in less than 10 minutes by following this easy process. - Two highly effective recipes you can use for your sitelink extensions. Use either one of these to make sure you are getting the biggest boost possible from this valuable AdWords ad extension.
How to know exactly which phone calls are coming from your call extensions. Set this up any differently and you could have no idea how effective your ads are because Google won’t report most of your calls. - Examples of cash-draining keywords that should never be added to your campaigns, and how to avoid them even more ruthlessly than a billionaire avoids paying taxes.
A system for transcribing and sorting the good keywords that are already bouncing around inside your head (and some that are buried deep inside your subconscious). Start with this system and you’ll cut your keyword research time in half. - A technique for brainstorming and planning your remarketing lists. Yes, you need more than just one simple remarketing list! See exactly how to define your lists so your remarketing ads have the biggest impact possible.
The big and small levers to pull when optimizing your AdWords campaigns. See when and where to pull them so you’ll know exactly how to improve the performance of your ads every time an opportunity arises. - The location targeting trap that allows Google to show your ads to people OUTSIDE of the locations you are targeting - sometimes causing you to pay for traffic from across the globe. Most advertisers don’t even know they are making this mistake. Discover where to find this trap and how to disable it.
Three questions to ask when setting a budget for a new campaign so you can eliminate some of the guesswork and start things off on the right foot. - · How to handle “limited by budget” campaign issues. This is a sign of campaign health but it’s not a death sentence. See the exact steps to take to improve your campaign’s performance when you see this warning sign.
- · Advanced location targeting strategies used by the top AdWords marketers in the world but rarely used by amateurs. You’ll get the complete system that you can follow, step-by-step, to use these exact targeting strategies in your own account.
- · The worst way to write ad extensions. Nearly everyone does this, but it doesn’t help your ads and could actually be hurting you.
- · The two most commonly used ad extensions that you should NEVER use. This is based on extensive testing and you can save yourself a lot of trouble by simply learning from my results and applying the findings to your own campaigns.
- · The “catch-all” keyword strategy and why it can be so risky and fruitful at the same time (and how you can minimize the risks for your own selfish benefit).
- · How to set up your AdWords links so you can pass TONS of valuable information about EVERY CLICK into Analytics and other systems…keywords, ad position, network, device, and more!
- · The only way to truly 50/50 split-test your ads. This used to be impossible - Google’s A.I. would start to prefer one of your ads and skew your results BEFORE there was enough data to declare a winner…even if you told Google not to! But now there’s a little-known feature that lets you run a true 50/50 test, and you’ll discover exactly how to manipulate it to take control of your split tests.
- · Every “recommended” and “suggested” setting you need to avoid. Google tries to cram a lot of garbage down your throat, but it’s OK to say “no.” (You SHOULD say “no” a lot of the time, as long as you know what to do instead.) Not only will you discover when and where to say “no” - you’ll find out exactly what to do instead.
- · The only way to get your ad to show up in the Google Map “3-Pack” (when you see an ad here, it becomes a “4-Pack” because YOUR ad will be on top).
- · 11 tested and proven formulas you can use when writing your ads. Never be at a loss for what to say in your ads again - simply pick a formula, follow the examples, and start producing magnetic ads that people can’t avoid clicking on.
- · The best thing to do with your ads when your business is closed. Do this wrong and you’ll either be missing out on good sales opportunities…or grossly overpaying for them.
- · Campaign setup steps you absolutely need to SKIP when creating your campaigns. Not only will this save time…it will save your campaigns from almost certain failure.
- · The “high to low” method you can use to see if your keyword targeting is too broad, and how to quickly fix it if it is. This will help you eliminate irrelevant traffic even before you ever pay for it (and without the need for additional negative keywords).
- · The most overlooked type of negative keyword every local business should be using, and how spending seven minutes fixing this oversight could be more rewarding that that time you played “7 Minutes In Heaven” when you were in high school.
- · The setting you need to change that ensures your ads will be shown to the greatest number of people possible. (If you keep the default setting, Google’s algorithms will pick and choose when to show your ads and when not to…and the algorithm they use for this is NOT set up to benefit YOU.)
- · Why the “Keyword Broadness Spectrum” is the easiest framework you can use to solve ‘too much traffic’ and ‘not enough traffic’ problems. This is traffic fine-tuning at is finest.
- · Enticing campaign settings that sound too good to be true…because they are. Enable these “opportunities” and you could spend weeks (sometimes months) getting your campaigns back on track.
- · How to take a basic keyword list and generate hundreds of combinations and variations at the push of a button with my Keyword Burst software - free inside this course. (And how to push another button so Google filters this list for you…you’ll be left with a clean set of highly relevant “buyer-driven” keywords unmatched by the competition.)
- · How to force Google to stop adding things to your ads that you never asked for (you may not even realize this is happening, because they don’t tell you!). If you don’t force them to stop, they’ll keep doing this without your permission…but there is a way you can tell them “no.”
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