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Dan Sheridan – 8 Successful Iron Condor Methodologies

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Dan Sheridan – 8 Successful Iron Condor Methodologies
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8 successful Iron condor met

Learn the 8 most successful Iron Condors methodologies from within Dan’s community.

In this class, Dan Sheridan shares with you how he constructs, trades, and manages 8 of the must successful Iron Condor Methodologies.

Detailed Class Content

Class #1: Short Strangle Alternative in SPX with Dan

00:1- Introduction of the class and the class page

00:4- Short Strangle explanation and discussion of Karen the Super Trader and how she trades strangles, I explain the strategy in detail.

24:45- Case study going over 3-4 examples of this strategy.

56:40- Example of this strategy during the August Correction.

1:12- Final Comments and Q and A

1:21- End

Class #2: Conventional 43 Day Iron Condor with Adjustments with Dan

1- Intro

2:05- Class Page

4:30- Couple notes and quick review about Class #1 where I discussed and alternative strategy to a Naked Strangle.

15:15- Conventional 43 Day Iron Condor in SPX- Explaining the strategy ad guidelines

51:20- 2 examples of this strategy where I had to make an upside adjustment

1:17- Example of this strategy during the August correction. In this example, we show you how to adjust the downside.

1:37- End

Class #3: Equidistant Iron Condor and also 10 Day Iron Condor with Insurance with Dan

1- Intro and presentation slides for today’s Iron Condor Methodologies

4:06- Which Iron Condor is best for me?

11:18- Equidistant Iron Condor (Print slides from Class Page to follow along)

59:30- Shorty SPX Iron Condors with Insurance (Print slides from Class Page to follow along)

1:28:50- Portillo’s Trading Challenge from Dan

1:34 – End

Class #4: Asymmetrical Condors with Jay Bailey

2:00– Begin Powerpoint Slides

2:30– Agenda

4:00– Good and bad points of a Traditional Condor

11:00– Concepts of the Asymmetrical Condor

16:00– Setup of the Asymmetrical

21:00– Hedging the downside with a put debit spread

26:00– Trade Guidelines

31:00– Upside Adjustments

35:20– Downside Adjustments

36:30– Real Example Trade

44:00– Lower Margin Version (Low Prob)

45:45– Example Low Prob

60:00– End

Class #5: Low Probability Iron Condor with Mark Fenton

0:00- Introduction

2:00- Begin power point presentation, Why trade an iron condor?

7:30- What is a low prob condor?

13:00- When do I use a low prob condor

17:00- 1 adjustment low prob condor set up and plan

27:30- First example trade

34:00- Second example trade

37:30- Third example trade

42:00- Fourth example trade

58:00- Q&A

67:10- End

Class #6: Put Credit Spread in RUT with a Specific Risk Management Plan

1- Intro and outline for today’s class

1:2- 30 Day RUT Put credit spread

2:45- Two reasons I am talking about a Put Credit Spread in RUT during an Iron Condor Class?

6:00- Question to students: What type of day are you looking for to enter put credit spreads?

6:30- My guidelines for this trade?

10:30 – Description of the 2 Risk Management methodologies I did on RUT put credit spreads?

11:42- #1 Risk Management Methodology and Plan for Put Credit Spreads with no adjustments.

19:10 – #2 Risk Management Methodology and Plan for Put Credit Spreads, rolling the put side when

RUT moves against us. (Dan goes over multiple examples of this methodology.)

Just over 1hour – END

Class #7: SPX Weekly Iron Condor with Dan

6:30- Analysis of increased Implied Volatility into Fed Announcement

6:30- Weekly SPX Iron Condor Guidelines and summary of Case Study

29:20- Multiple examples of this strategy

50:34- END

Class #8: Recap with Dan

SIZE: 180 MB

Dan Sheridan – 8 Successful Iron Condor Methodologies Contents: Videos, Pdfs

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