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Carlos Xuma – The Ignition Code

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Hey, this is Carlos, and I want to welcome you to the program. We have got a ton of stuff to dig into here, and I’m going to give you everything I know and really all that you are going to need to know about using your mobile to get women.

You are going to get girls on your mobile. You’re going to get girls with texting.

You’re going to get girls any way you like using what I consider to be God’s gift to the single man. That’s right, your cellphone, it’s your smartphone.

You can credit everything to Apple, if you like, for inventing the iPhone and kind of setting us on this track of the smartphone, but I’m telling you right now, it is the most fantastic tool for getting women, and I’m going to show you how to do that right here.

Let’s get in because we got a lot of stuff to cover. I’m going to give you a quick introduction of what we are covering here and a lot of the underlying fundamentals.

Now, the important part that you didn’t know about this program is you won’t need any other programs after this one.

The reason for that is because I’m going to give you the philosophy, the understanding of what you are really doing, no matter what tool you are using.

You see your cellphone is really only a tool, that’s all it is. It’s just another tool.

You could just easily be at home on your computer on a dating site. You could just as easily be at the speed dating event.

You could just easily be at a singles event or even on a singles bar, the same principles hold true.

But the beauty of using your cellphone, using you mobile to get women is that it’s the one thing that women have with them all the time. It’s built for communication.

It’s simple and it practically eliminates the need for you to have to learn stupid hokey lines or have to even approach women or risk even being rejected.

That’s the beauty of what your cellphone can do for you, so let’s get right into it.

The mindset that I want you to keep as we go through this is, of course, everything that

I’m teaching you, first of all, first and foremost, before I open up this little box here, is that everything that I’m teaching you is applicable anywhere anytime.

You are going to be able to use this no matter what tool you are using to attract women wherever you go.

So it doesn’t really matter if you’re using a cellphone or not, this really could easily be called how attract women anywhere anytime, but we are using this specific tool, and I’m going to show you the specifics of how to use that as well.

So just keep that in mind. It doesn’t matter what apps come out in the future.

It doesn’t matter what tools they may come up with, it’s all going to amount to the same thing when you finally get face to face with her anyways, but you’ve got to create real sexual attraction.

Now, the right mindset I want you to have is, first of all, apps, texting, and emails are not a stand in for face-to-face communications.

In other words, at some point or another, you’ve got to realize that you’re going to have to be face to face.

You can’t have sex with, well, I guess you could, you can’t really have sex with her over a text. You can’t have sex with her over a video phone call on Skype.

You really can’t. You’ve got to be there in person, in the flesh, that’s what we’re really talking about here…….

Carlos Xuma – The Ignition Code (new 2016 program)

Approximate Length: 9 hours


INTRODUCTION to the Ignition Code (watch first!)


Cone of Silence Training Method – BONUS

Digit Domination Sequence – BONUS

Charisma Ignition – BONUS

The Ignition Method Principles (Gamification)

The Ignition Method Principles – 1

The Ignition Method Principles – 2

The Ignition Method Principles – 3

The Ignition Method Principles – 4

The Ignition Method Principles – 5

The Ignition Method Principles – 6

Mind Control Bonus

The White Wolf – Principles of Influence BONUS 1

The White Wolf – Principles of Influence BONUS 2

The White Wolf – Principles of Influence BONUS 3

The White Wolf – Principles of Influence BONUS 4

The White Wolf – Principles of Influence BONUS 5

Ignition Code Tactics

Ignition Code Tactics – Pregame

Ignition Code Tactics – FirstMessage

Ignition Code Tactics – Voice Vetting

Next Steps – 1

Next Steps – 2

Next Steps – 3

Next Steps – 3b

High Speed Hookups

The Sexting Shockwave System

High Speed Hookups – 1  (Tinder)

Tinder Tactics Audio Interview with Luba (missing – see Ebook for transcript)

Down Dating


Coffee Meets Bagel

How About We

Misc Apps


EBook of program

Mindmaps of programs

SIZE: 1,5  GB

Carlos Xuma – The Ignition Code Contents: Videos, Pdfs

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Carlos Xuma – The Ignition Code

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