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Chase Amante – Mastery Pick Up Package

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The Only “Get Her In Bed” Method That Lets You Connect With Women Smoothly While Being 100% Comfortable And Natural!


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If you’re accustomed to the Internet, you’ve seen a few pages similar in appearance to this one before. But you haven’t read one with content like this.

Did You Know That 10% Of Men Do 65% Of The Dating?

And Did You Know The Biggest Reason Why Men Fail At Pick Up And Dating Is Because They Don’t Get A Process Down?

If you can generate attraction in women then you can start to follow your process to capitalize on that attraction, but the KEY elements you need before you can start picking up women are ATTRACTION and PROCESS.

Fundamentals + Process = Pick Up Success

You see, women are paying attention to something a lot more primal than words… a lot more fundamental. And if you don’t know what that is you can miss the boat BIG TIME.

Knowing the right fundamentals to target and the right process to build is something that you’re likely to spend years figuring out, piece by piece, putting together from trial and error, successes here and failures there, and various Internet forums, chat rooms, blogs, and videos.

You’ll try out one thing you heard was good; it doesn’t work. Try out something else; no dice. A few weeks working on something additional… yeah, that seems like it might work, but it needs tweaking. Try adding this to it, no go. That… okay, that makes it better. But now what do you need to get girls saying “yes” when you ask them on dates? Or how do you get to the point where women want to talk to you instead of you having to drive everything?

You’ll ask friends for advice. Other guys more skilled than you. Random men you meet at bars and nightclubs who look like they know what they’re doing… at least, you think they do.

You’ll email people on the Internet, random strangers on random websites who seem like they’ve got a better handle on some aspect of picking up girls than you do.

You’ll go through plateaus where it seems like you just can’t figure out what else you can do better… then, 6 months or a year later, it’ll come to you and things wil start to click better. At least until the next plateau, that is.

Or… you can grab a copy of the package I’ve put together here answering every big question about how to be a pick up artist I’ve ever been asked – and get all the solutions to getting girls placed in your hands immediately.

Your Toolset For Success Is Here

In this 406-page eBook and 63-minute video program, I arm you to the teeth with everything you need to know to do all of the following:

  1. Turn yourself into an attraction machine who does it all right, from talk to nonverbals and everything in between
  1. Become a man able to meet women ANYWHERE – from bars to parks to cafeterias to bookstores to shopping malls to beaches and back again
  1. Never again be trapped in pointless banter unable to push things forward, like so many men end up being with new acuqaintances
  1. Use the difference between what women REACT to (“flirting”) and what women RESPOND to (results) to get the girls who REALLY like you
  1. Shut down “auto-rejection” and stop women from walking away because you were TOO funny, sarcastic, or “cool” ever again
  1. Employ the principle of investment and use it to get women committed to talking to you and engrossed in finding out more about YOU
  1. Learn to move FAST with women and KILL hesitancy – and never end up in the “friend zone” ever after
  1. Master the “tension gap” to transform awkward interactions with women into intimate ones
  1. Start using a simple, POWERFUL method of getting phone numbers and emails from women that turns it from difficult… to a “hole-in-one”
  1. Free yourself from the uncertainty of how to respond when women ask you difficult questions and ALWAYS know the right thing to say
  1. Unlock the POTENT SECRET of the “hard push” and discover an ability to pick up a girl that only the greatest Casanovas have possessed
  1. Defeat uncertainty in women with the technique of the “panoply of reasons” and make them HAPPY to do what you ask
  1. Discover how to make girls chase you mere minutes into a conversation… and sometimes even earlier
  1. Transform yourself into a master seducer with “deep diving”… and get to know new women better in MINUTES than most men EVER WILL
  1. Find out how to stop talking TOO MUCH and get girls talking INSTEAD – making things MUCH EASIER for you, and MORE EXCITING for them
  1. Understand the difference between “bridges” and “gaps” – and why most men destroy their odds with women by not knowing this
  1. Prevent women from slotting you into the “boyfriend role” and HALT the slow, painful seduction death most “boyfriend candidates” suffer
  1. Give out “good feelings” appropriately, instead of to girls who haven’t earned them – and make women treat YOU right to get it
  1. Train yourself to be a logistics PRO and become able to find a way to get physical with women almost ANYWHERE you find yourself
  1. Apply the power of chase frames to your conversations and get women literally PURSUING YOU with only a few subtle suggestions
  1. Recognize “escalation windows” the instant they appear and know EXACTLY how to act on them to give girls what they want
  1. Adapt yourself to handle transition points smoothly and keep women engaged with you during these CRITICAL moments in an interaction
  1. Implement the physical escalation “master plan” for making the first move so you never miss taking another girl as a lover who wanted it
  1. Build your own custom-made process tailored to YOU that will put your pick ups on ROCKET FUEL and make girls all but yours for the choosing

Put simply, this material teaches you the mechanics of succeeding with women, the simple steps you need to follow to implement them, and the mindsets you need to pull it all off. This program package is the missing weapon in your pick up arsenal.


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Chase Amante–Mastery Pick Up Package Contents: Videos , Audios , Pdfs

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