The Habits Academy: Bachelor’s
\nLearn exactly how to form good habits and break bad ones as quickly as possible.
\nThe Habits Academy is the world’s best online course on how to form good habits and break bad habits. It teaches you practical and effective ways to change your habits as quickly as possible.
\n\n\n\nYour Instructor
\nJames Clear\n\nTaught by someone who’s researched and tested these ideas for years\n\nHi there, I’m James Clear and I’m the creator of The Habits Academy.\n\nI’ve spent years talking with leading researchers about habit change as well as reading, writing, and experimenting with my own strategies and explanations to develop simple and practical ways to build better habits. This course is the culmination of all that work.\n\nHere is a bit more about me:\n\nOver 8 million people read my articles each year and my work has been featured by CBS, Forbes, TIME Magazine, and more.\n\nOver 400,000 people subscribe to my weekly emails on how to form good habits and break bad ones.\n\nOver 5,700 students have taken my habits training programs.\n\n \n\n \n<a ' alt='' width='650' height='650' srcset=' 650w, 89w' sizes='(max-width: 650px) 100vw, 650px' />
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