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Caliathletics – Muscle Up

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Welcome in this new Muscle up program where I will teach you step by step how to achieve this challenging skill. Most of us when thinking about calisthenics have Muscle up on goals list! Yet not many of us know how to finally get over the bar.

When it comes to my experience with this skill I was able to achieve it just after a few months of my calisthenics journey, although as a beginner I’ve made a lot of mistakes that I want you to avoid when taking your first steps in Muscle up training. The main reason whythis skill practice may be dangerous and risky when it comes to injuries is that people try to achieve it too fast without enough strength preparation. This usually ends in the attempts that put a lot of stress on your rotator cuff and elbows (too weak pulling strength compensated by attempting to get over bar by the one arm then adding second).

Because of different strength levels that each of you represent I decided to divide this program into 3 micro cycles that consists of:

  • Muscle up conditioning program

  • Muscle up program

  • Clean your Muscle up program

Muscle up conditioning program is for all of you that feel too weak to start Muscle up program. In this phase of programming you will be working on improving your pulling and pushing strength along with proper tendons and muscles preparation for more demanding exercises you will find in Muscle up program. This routine should be followed for at least 6 weeks note it can be followed for longer time if you implement deload week after each 6 weeks!

Muscle up program – In this program I included a bit more demanding exercises where the goal is to get you over the bar. We are going to use different exercises with a goal of reaching high pull up that is necessary to achieve Muscle up, along with this we are going to work for the right technique.

Clean your Muscle up program – Is the last but not least phase of my programming. This is for everyone who was able to achieve his first Muscle up with some kipping and would love to improve on it by achieving the perfect form of this skill! In the program you will find my favorite exercises that will let you improve your pulling strength even more! Keep in mind that this time instead of getting more and more repetitions we are going to focus on the right form and cleaning your movement striving for perfection!

Are you ready?

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Caliathletics – Muscle Up Contents: Videos

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Caliathletics – Muscle Up

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