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Nguyen Le – Process Masterclass (UX Design)

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Welcome to the Process Masterclass. An in depth online design course for UI/UX design. Learn design thinking and design execution, and increase your value as a designer.

Made for designers

Looking to take the next step

Vespi is one of our project case studies that we’ll walkthrough.

Learn an end to end design process with me. In this class we will look at UI/UX design from a holistic point of view. How to think about business objectives. How to use design thinking for user-centred design. How to build design systems. And tips and tricks in various modern design tools to solve problems. Learn from A—Z and compare your process with mine.

Learn typography, grids, prototyping and how to merge that with business and user objectives.

We learn the fundamentals of design — ideas and concepts that I have used in the last 10+ years, and taught to those I’ve mentored. From structure & hierarchy, to grids, to typography, to prototyping, to visual design concepts and more. Great for self taught designers who want to solidify the fundamentals, or for those just looking for a refresher.


This class is made for designers looking to improve their design process and thinking. If you have a few years experience but want to take the next step. This is for you.

What’s in the class?

Sharing the valuable things I learnt across 10 years — into 18 lessons. This course is an online course that you can use to add new concepts to further your design career. There are 7+ hours of video lessons divided into bite sized lessons, that you can learn from at your own pace. Along with a slack community to get feedback from.It is divided into 2 key modules Design Thinking and Design Execution. Learn how to be more confident with your design decision making and how to increase your value as a designer.

Get started

Class is now open. Registrations will close on the 1st August. Increase your value as a UI/UX designer and take the next step.


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Nguyen Le – Process Masterclass (UX Design) Contains: Videos, PDF’s

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Nguyen Le – Process Masterclass (UX Design)

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