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Jim Cockrum – Proven Wholesale Sourcing

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Jim Cockrum – Proven Wholesale Sourcing
Best courses on and


Can Robyn and I show you step-by-step how she started with only

a $100 and has done over $1 million dollars in sales on Amazon

and 100’s of thousands on eBay?

We want to show you…

  • how she built her list of profitable wholesale accounts
  • how she outsourced and automated large portions of her business
  • how she and her husband were able to quickly scale her business
    – starting with only a $100 to doing over a million dollars in sales on Amazon and hundreds of thousands on eBay


Have you taken other wholesale courses

and still been left wondering where to start?

This course will walk you through exactly what you need to know and what steps you need to take to find profitable, replenish able wholesale accounts.

This course will walk you step by step through the entire process.

In the first session Robyn will cover…

  • Exactly what you will need to get started
  • Important Amazon business Concepts
  • Vocabulary unique to the wholesale industry
  • Common vendor expectations
  • And how to find tradeshows in your area

In the second module, we will go further in depth on how to find wholesalers…

  • at trade shows
  • through searching on Amazon
  • using trade show exhibitor lists
  • how she plans for trade shows
  • how she identifies potential vendors

Robyn will give you scripts to approach vendors to get a price list and exactly what questions to ask when opening a wholesale account. She will even cover exactly how she answers the dreaded “Where do you sell question?”

In the third module we will go through…

  • how to evaluate the wholesale lists quickly
  • how to get your orders in
  • what to look for in a profitable account
  • how to isolate the most profitable items on each price list
  • strategies for using wholesale on Amazon including quick flips, long-term hold, niche companies, and large name-brand companies
  • a breakdown of common industry standards across multiple industries

The fourth module will go into detail…

  • evaluating bringing a new item to the Amazon marketplace
  • how to prepare to receive your shipments to minimize the amount of downtime before your item is sent to Amazon
  • an overview on how to use Amazon product ads, pricing, reviews
  • listing enhancements to have your items sell through faster

The fifth module will cover…

  • exactly how to maintain your accounts
  • how to streamline your re-order process
  • how to use your current lines to expand to new accounts
  • different strategies including using weeks of coverage to minimize storage fees
  • how to best capitalize on show specials

BONUS module…

  • how to create new listings that can be seen in the search engines quickly
  • how to optimize photos without expensive equipment
  • how to generate keywords for your new listings


SalesPage (more info)

Jim Cockrum – Proven Wholesale Sourcing Contains: Videos, PDF´s, Audios

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